Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965
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Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965 - Classmates

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Number of classmates: 440
Abalan, Margaret View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Abdnor, Lynne View Photo (Unlisted)
Abernathy, Larry View Biography & Photo Mailing Address (Deceased)
Abrahamson, Arthur View Biography & Photo (Missing)
Abramson , Wesley (Missing)
Ahrens, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Albert, Richard (Dick) View Photo (Unlisted)
Alden, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Alderink, Christine View Photo (Unlisted)
Aldrich, Terry View Photo (Missing)
Alsop, Karen View Photo (Unlisted)
Altman, Michael View Photo (Unlisted)
Anderson, Barbara View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address Personal Website Business Website Facebook Profile
Anderson , Bette View Photo (Unlisted)
Anderson, Bradford View Photo (Missing)
Anderson, Dale View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Anderson, Doug View Photo (Missing)
Anderson, Fred View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Anderson, Kathleen View Photo (Deceased)
Anderson, Michael View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Anderson, Ron View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Anderson, Stephen View Photo (Unlisted)
Anderson Tomaino, Anne  Patricia View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Andresen, Carol View Photo (Unlisted)
Arbour, Steve View Photo (Unlisted)
Armentrout, Janice View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Armold, Linda View Biography & Photo (Missing)
Aus, Linda View Photo (Missing)
Axelson, Bruce View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Backberg, Brian View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Backstrom, Patricia View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Bahn, Marcia View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Bainville, Rene View Photo (Unlisted)
Baker, Gary View Photo (Unlisted)
baker, john View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Bakke, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Bantel, Carol View Photo (Unlisted)
Barschdorf, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Baxter, Suzanne View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Becker , Mary View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Berg, Carol Jean View Photo (Unlisted)
Berg, James  'Jim' View Photo (Unlisted)
Berg, Mariellen View Photo (Deceased)
Berglund, Joan View Biography & Photo Personal Website
Bergstedt, Roger View Photo (Missing)
Berkelman, Nancy View Photo (Unlisted)
Bernard, Gary View Photo (Unlisted)
Bissonet, Barry View Photo (Unlisted)
Blackmore, Ann View Photo (Unlisted)
Blomdahl, Paul View Photo (Unlisted)
Bolos, Frank View Photo (Unlisted)
Borden, Judith View Biography & Photo (Missing)
Boreen, Mary Grace View Photo (Missing)
Bowman, Lawrence 'larry' View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Boyle, Kay View Photo (Unlisted)
Braff, Claudia View Photo (Unlisted)
Bridges, Judith View Photo (Unlisted)
Briglia, Sandy View Photo (Missing)
Bruton, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Bruzonsky, Mark View Photo Personal Website Business Website Facebook Profile
Bulson, Patricia View Photo (Missing)
Burghdorf, Roger View Photo (Unlisted)
Burton, Gary View Photo (Unlisted)
Bzoskie, Kathleen View Photo (Unlisted)
Campbell, Rob View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlsen, Susan E View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlson, Bruce View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlson, David View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlson, Judy View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Carlson, Richard View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlson, Robert View Photo (Unlisted)
Carlson, Steven View Photo (Missing)
Carry, Dave View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Chamberlin, Susan View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Clapper, Sara View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Comstock, Elizabeth View Biography & Photo Email Address Personal Website
Cook, Susan View Photo (Missing)
Crandall, Michael View Photo (Deceased)
Crawford, Alexandra View Photo (Deceased)
D'Amour, Victoria View Photo (Unlisted)
Dack , Carolyn View Photo (Unlisted)
Dahl, Ronald A View Photo (Unlisted)
Dahlin, Joan View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Darland, Richard View Photo (Unlisted)
Davis, Cynthia View Photo (Unlisted)
Davis, Peggy View Photo Email Address
Davis, Robert View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Davis, Stan View Photo (Unlisted)
DeArmond, Jim View Photo Phone Numbers
Dewilder, Monique View Photo (Missing)
Doig, John View Photo (Deceased)
Dolan, John View Biography & Photo Mailing Address (Deceased)
Downs, Roger View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Drier, Laura View Photo (Missing)
Dryke, Dan View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Eckman, Stephen E View Photo (Unlisted)
Elden, Steve View Photo (Unlisted)
Elstad, Mary Lou View Photo (Deceased)
Engel, Lynn View Photo (Deceased)
Engen, Steven View Photo (Missing)
Enrico, William  'Bill' View Photo (Unlisted)
Enstad, Margaret View Photo (Unlisted)
Erickson, Janet View Photo (Missing)
Evanson, Robert View Photo (Unlisted)
Fenstad, Bernice View Photo (Deceased)
Finneman, Margaret View Photo (Unlisted)
Flint, John View Photo (Deceased)
Foster, Nancy View Photo (Deceased)
Fraser, Donald View Photo (Unlisted)
Fraser, Laurie View Photo (Unlisted)
Fredin, Eric View Photo (Deceased)
Fredricks, Laura View Biography & Photo Facebook Profile (Missing)
Frickman, Marjorie View Photo Facebook Profile (Deceased)
Froom, Kerry View Photo (Missing)
Gabrielson, Gary View Photo (Unlisted)
Garon, Lyle View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers (Deceased)
Garon, Philip View Photo (Unlisted)
Garon, Rick View Photo (Unlisted)
Gerard, Greg View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Gerber, Robin View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Gergen, Sandy View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address Facebook Profile
Geving, Allison View Photo (Unlisted)
Geving, Neil View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Gilbertson, Randy View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Giles, Mary 'Molly' View Biography & Photo (Missing)
Gressman, Patricia A View Photo (Unlisted)
Grogan, Allen View Biography & Photo Mailing Address (Deceased)
Grossman, Patti View Photo (Deceased)
Grytdahl, Robert View Photo (Unlisted)
Guitar, Nancy View Photo (Missing)
Gulland, John View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Gurovitsch, Samuel View Photo (Deceased)
Gustafson, Sandra View Biography & Photo Email Address
Haavik, Sarah View Photo (Unlisted)
Hagenbrock, Judy View Photo (Unlisted)
Hakala, John View Photo (Unlisted)
Halenbeck, Paul View Photo (Missing)
Haller, Tom View Photo (Unlisted)
Halligan, Kathy View Photo (Unlisted)
Halverson, Dene E View Photo (Unlisted)
Halverson, Paul View Photo (Unlisted)
Hammerstrom, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Hanft, Sue View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Hanninen, Barbara View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Hanson, Carol View Photo (Unlisted)
Harris, Ellen View Photo (Unlisted)
Hartwick, Dave View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Haugen, David Bruce View Photo (Unlisted)
Hedman, Polly View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Heidman, Margaret (Peg) View Biography & Photo Email Address
Heim, Steve View Photo (Unlisted)
Heimbach, David View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Heimbach, William  (Phil) View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Heinecke, Trudis View Photo (Deceased)
Hendricks, Phil View Photo (Deceased)
Hendrickson, Eric View Photo (Unlisted)
Henson, Lynn View Photo (Unlisted)
Hermerding, Ertwin View Photo (Deceased)
Hill, Gene (Geno) View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address Facebook Profile
Hill, Jim View Photo (Unlisted)
Hobbs, Beverly View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Hoden, John View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Hoff, Katharine View Photo Email Address
Hoffman , Marcy View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Holder, Margaret (Peggy) View Photo (Deceased)
House, Robert Edmund View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Hustad, Bruce View Photo (Unlisted)
Jahn, Kathleen View Photo (Missing)
Jamar, Cathy View Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Jarvenpa, Donna View Photo (Deceased)
Jazdzewski, Marylee View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Jeneson, Judy View Photo (Unlisted)
Jensen, John W View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Carol View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Gayle View Photo (Deceased)
Johnson, Joanne View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Karin View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Ken View Photo (Missing)
Johnson, Peggy View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Penny Jean View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Randall View Photo (Unlisted)
Johnson, Richard (Rick) View Photo (Deceased)
Johnson  , Joseph (Joe) View Photo (Unlisted)
Jossund, Skip View Photo (Unlisted)
Kallio, Daven View Photo (Unlisted)
Kaner, Robert M View Photo (Unlisted)
Karon, Louise View Photo (Unlisted)
Kelso, David View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Kempfert, James View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Kenigsberg, Steven View Photo (Unlisted)
Kennedy, Dorothy View Photo (Unlisted)
Kennedy, Lois View Photo (Unlisted)
Kent, Linda View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Kettner, Mark View Photo (Unlisted)
Klund, Randy View Photo (Unlisted)
Koidahl, Clifford View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Koivisto, Tim View Photo (Deceased)
Kolstad, Karol View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Kreidler, Susan View Photo (Deceased)
Kubiski, Kay View Photo (Unlisted)
LaBarre, Lynn View Photo (Unlisted)
LaPanta, Mikel View Photo (Missing)
Lares, Diane View Photo (Unlisted)
Larson, David View Photo (Unlisted)
Larson, Julie View Photo (Unlisted)
Latts, Jeffrey  Dr. View Photo (Unlisted)
Legendre, Don View Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Lehigh, Mark View Photo (Unlisted)
Leppa, Cheryl View Photo (Deceased)
Leslie, Gary View Photo (Missing)
Lester, Adrian View Photo (Unlisted)
Levenson, Mark View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Lind, Doreen View Photo (Missing)
Livingston, Lydia Jean View Photo (Unlisted)
London, Judy View Photo (Unlisted)
Look, Richard View Photo (Unlisted)
Lundgren, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Luukinen, Lynn View Photo (Missing)
Lyons, Peggy View Photo (Deceased)
Macheledt, Warren View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Magee, Belmont  'Sam' View Photo (Deceased)
Magnus, Lester View Photo (Missing)
Magnuson, Robert  'Bob' View Photo (Unlisted)
Maine, Nancy View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Maire, Jean View Photo (Unlisted)
Makowski, Susan View Photo (Missing)
Malnati, William View Photo (Missing)
Malwick, Roberta View Photo (Unlisted)
Manfred, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Manz, Marlys View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Mark, Geraldine View Photo (Unlisted)
Mark, Phillip View Photo (Unlisted)
Marsolek, Lorraine View Photo (Unlisted)
Martens, Brian View Photo (Unlisted)
Martin, James View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Martin, Saundra View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Martinson, Richard View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Matheson, Bonnie View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Mattson, Karen View Biography & Photo (Missing)
McBride, John View Photo (Unlisted)
McCaffrey, Thomas View Biography & Photo Email Address
McCall, Patrick View Photo (Unlisted)
McGiffert, John Wells View Photo (Unlisted)
McGill, Ralph View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
McGraw, Jeff View Photo (Unlisted)
McIntyre, Catherine View Photo Email Address
McKenna, Peter View Photo (Deceased)
McKenzie, Jill View Photo Email Address
McLaughlin, Bonnie View Photo (Unlisted)
McLean, Susan View Biography & Photo (Missing)
McNee, Ann View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
McNeil, Cathy View Photo Facebook Profile
Mehle, Frank View Photo (Deceased)
Mehrman, Keith View Photo (Unlisted)
Messenbourg, Antoinette View Photo (Missing)
Meyer, Reg View Photo (Missing)
Meyers, William (Bill) View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Miller, Richard View Photo (Unlisted)
Mix, Robert D View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Moen, Douglas View Photo (Deceased)
Moland, James View Photo (Deceased)
Molander, Diane View Photo Email Address
Monkkonen, Lisa View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Monson, Sheryl View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Morrow, Virginia View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Morton, Barry View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Mossefin, Charles  'Chuck' View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Murphy, Dennis View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Myers, Bob View Photo (Unlisted)
Naslund, Dianne View Photo (Unlisted)
Neff, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Nelson, Pamela Rae View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Nelson, Patricia View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Nelson, Paula View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Nelson, Sheryl View Photo (Missing)
Nodvedt, Larry View Photo (Deceased)
Nordling, Jessica (Jess) View Photo (Deceased)
Nordwall, Linda View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Norland, Paul View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Nylen, Thomas View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
O'Neill, Thomas (Neil) View Photo (Unlisted)
Oaks, Bud View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Oas, Greg View Photo (Missing)
Oberg, Linnell View Photo (Unlisted)
Olsen, James View Photo (Unlisted)
Olsen, Linda  'Blondie' View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Olseth, Tom (Turk) View Photo Phone Numbers Email Address Personal Website Facebook Profile
Olson, Archie View Photo (Unlisted)
Olson, Barbara View Photo (Unlisted)
Olson, Dennis View Photo (Deceased)
Olson, Don View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Olson, Mary Louise View Photo (Deceased)
Orourke, Peggy View Photo (Unlisted)
Ottinger, Paul View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Owens, Billie Jo View Photo (Unlisted)
Pacini, Roland  'Jim' View Photo (Missing)
Paddock, Bruce View Photo (Unlisted)
Pappas, Edward (Buddy) View Photo (Unlisted)
Paulu, Gary View Photo (Unlisted)
Pawlak, Ann View Photo (Missing)
Pearson, Doug View Photo (Unlisted)
Pearson , Jennifer View Photo (Unlisted)
Pederson, Dave View Photo (Deceased)
Pederson, Mary Kay View Photo (Unlisted)
Peplinski, Mike View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Perkins, Bruce View Photo (Unlisted)
Perkins, Sandy View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Persson, Karen View Photo (Missing)
Peterson, David L View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Peterson, Gary View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Peterson, Linda L View Photo (Unlisted)
Peterson, Linda A. View Biography & Photo (Missing)
Peterson, Vickie View Photo (Unlisted)
Phillips, M. Patricia  'Pat' View Photo (Missing)
Pierce, Steve View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Pietrusa, Lucien View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Pommerville, Gerald View Photo (Unlisted)
Pooley, Martha View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Poulin, Rosemary View Photo (Unlisted)
Poulin, Thomas View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Priley, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Prudhomme, Charles (Chuck) View Photo (Unlisted)
Putnins, Dace View Photo (Missing)
Radford, Marilyn View Photo (Deceased)
Ramsland, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Randall, Lynn View Photo (Unlisted)
Ranta, Margie View Photo (Deceased)
Rasmussen, Shann View Photo (Unlisted)
Rasmussen, Sue View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Rathe, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Reeve, Evelyn  'Liz' View Photo (Missing)
Reid, Roger View Photo (Missing)
Riesland, Daniel C View Photo (Unlisted)
Rilling, Ronald (Ron) View Photo (Unlisted)
Rissanen, John View Photo (Unlisted)
Rissanen, Mary Ann  'Shorts' View Photo (Deceased)
Robertson, Richard (Dick) View Photo (Unlisted)
Robey, ELLEN View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Ronnback, Marsha View Photo (Deceased)
Rootness, Tom View Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Rose, Kathleen View Photo (Unlisted)
Ross, Greg View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Ross, James View Photo (Missing)
Rowray, Jake View Photo (Unlisted)
Ryan, Mary View Photo (Missing)
Rye, Cynthia View Photo (Unlisted)
Sabin, Marsha Lynn View Photo (Unlisted)
Saline, Wally View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Salmi, Darla Jean View Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Sather, Linda View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Schipper, Gail View Photo (Unlisted)
Schnaufer, Robert (Bob) View Photo (Deceased)
Scott, Diana View Photo (Missing)
Scott, Linda View Photo (Unlisted)
Seiler, Saranee View Photo (Unlisted)
Server, James View Photo (Missing)
Shank, John View Photo (Unlisted)
Shepard, David View Photo (Missing)
Sher, David View Photo (Unlisted)
Shively, John View Biography & Photo Mailing Address (Deceased)
Shold, Wesley View Photo (Deceased)
Silberg, Maryann View Photo (Missing)
Simmons, Dale View Photo (Unlisted)
Sjoblom , Marilyn View Photo (Unlisted)
Slonim, Alan View Photo (Unlisted)
Smith, Harvey (Dr) View Photo (Unlisted)
Smith, Lee View Photo (Missing)
Smith, T. Dan View Biography & Photo Email Address
Snyder, Stephen View Photo (Unlisted)
Solem, Judy View Photo (Unlisted)
Sorenson, Marilyn View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Sorenson, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Stanius, Ronald View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Staples, Diane View Photo (Unlisted)
Stearns, James View Photo (Unlisted)
Steel, David View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
steffen, bonnie View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Stein, Terry View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Stepan, Nancy View Photo (Unlisted)
Stevenson, Sandy View Biography (Deceased)
Stoffregen, Jane View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Stokich Jr, Theodore View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Strand, Mary Jo View Photo (Missing)
Strasser, Walter View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Strewler, Gertrude (Trudy) View Photo (Missing)
Stromgren, Luanne View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Sturm, Greg View Photo (Deceased)
Summers, Judy A View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Suomi, Larry View Photo (Unlisted)
Surrell, James (Jim) View Photo (Deceased)
Swanstrom, Will View Photo Email Address
Swor, Jeffrey View Photo (Unlisted)
Talonen, Carole  'Flash' View Photo (Missing)
Taly, Henry View Photo (Missing)
Tamminen, Paul View Photo (Unlisted)
Tarro, John View Photo Email Address
Tengquist, Charles View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Tesler, Louis View Photo (Unlisted)
Thomas, Diane View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Thompson, Mavis View Photo (Deceased)
Thoreson, Linda View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Tode, Pam View Photo Email Address
Torvund, Patty View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Tosseland, Patty View Photo (Unlisted)
Tridgell, Glen View Photo (Unlisted)
Ullberg, Roberta 'Bobbi' View Photo (Missing)
Uttendorfer, Candice View Photo (Missing)
Van Steinberg, Wheeler View Photo (Deceased)
VanCalcar, Peter View Photo (Missing)
VonGlahn, Peter View Photo (Unlisted)
Vranyes, Connie View Photo Phone Numbers Email Address
Walczak, Michael View Photo (Unlisted)
Walker, Robert (Robin) View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address Business Website
Walker, Scott (Scotty) View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Walsh, Thomas M View Photo (Missing)
Warner, Woodrow  'Woody' View Photo (Deceased)
Weber, Kelvin View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)
Weisenhaus, Linda View Photo (Missing)
Welles, Jon View Photo (Unlisted)
Wells, Tom View Biography & Photo Phone Numbers Email Address Facebook Profile
Wendfeldt, Stephen View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address (Deceased)
Wendlandt, Linda View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Westerlund, Paul View Biography & Photo Mailing Address (Deceased)
Westrom, Ed View Photo (Unlisted)
Weyl, Susan View Photo (Missing)
Wilcox, Sandra View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Wilson, Donald A View Photo (Unlisted)
Wilson, Robert (Bob) View Photo (Unlisted)
Wold, John View Photo (Deceased)
Wolfe, Ben View Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Wylie, Rick View Photo (Unlisted)
Yingling, Gail View Photo (Missing)
Young, Janet View Photo (Unlisted)
Young, Nancy View Photo (Missing)
Zelen, Bill View Biography & Photo (Deceased)
Zentner, Lynn View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Zibell, Cynthia View Photo (Unlisted)
Ziegler, Mary View Photo (Unlisted)
Zimmerle, Karen View Photo (Deceased)
Zlonis, Michael View Biography & Photo (Unlisted)

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