Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965
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Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965 - Message Board

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Our big 50th Reunion Plans.  September 10-11-12, 2015
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Gregory Greyhound
05-18-2015 08:35pm
The fun of going to a high school reunion.....It's seeing people you were close to all those years and visiting about the past!
The 1960's have many memories for all of us. The older we get, the more we treasure those years and all the friends that were made during high school. Life was simple. A gallon of gas was only 31 cents, a postage stamp 5 cents and a London Inn or Henry's hamburger 15 cents!  We have some GREAT events planned for our 50th reunion on September 11+ 12, 2015.
THURSDAY evening: The festivities will begin (September 10) for local classmates and those who come early. We have a room reserved at the Pickwick. A limited menu will be available. Come enjoy live music, visit, and see how many classmates you recognize. Time is from 7:00 to 10:00.
FRIDAY....Lunch for 'The Girls' at Tavern On The Hill at 1pm. Please email Linda Thoreson Forsberg if you are coming. ...jmflstf67@mac.com.  It is located  at 1102 Woodland Ave, Close to where Woodland Jr  once was.
also on Friday:  GOLF OUTING at Lester Park Golf Course....10:30 tee time... Cost is $28.00 per person including guests. That includes 9 holes, a cart, lunch and prizes. We will be playing 'best ball rules' So each one in your foursome shoots from the best of the previous shots. Mike has a nice lunch planned with some amazing prizes I am told...Whoop whoop!  Contact Mike Peplinski if you have any questions.. mikepep465@msn.com
EVENING GET TOGETHER will be at Grandma's Sports Garden in Canal Park. It will be very informal with a pizza and pasta buffet. We will father at 6:00 and a class picture will be taken at 6:45 down by the Aerial Bridge. After that, it's time for reminiscing and reconnecting with classmates. Classmate Roger Downs and the Downbeats will be singing songs from the 60s including a Beatles Medley.  Cost is $20 per person.
SATURDAY... Tour of our old alma mater. Time to be announced.  Another place of interest would be the Heritage Sports Center. It is located near the 27th Ave West exit and go to 120 N 30th Ave West. The wall art and display cases have memorabilia from the early years of hockey to the present.  There is a Duluth East Commemorative Hockey Arch full of photos and clipping. Call to see if open  (218-464-1711)
EEVENING EVENT: will be at the Kitchi Gammi Club Saturday night. Dress code is business casual but NO blue jeans please. Come at 6:00 for visiting and dinner will be served (food stations) beginning at 7:30. The program is still in the planning stages but we know Steve Pierce will give the invocation and Gene Hill and Steve Eckman will be 'our leaders' for the entertainment.
Cost is $38 per person.
Please take a few minutes to briefly catch us up on your current life and include answers to the following question:
1.How did your years at East affect you later in life?
2. What one experience at East stands out for you?
We will be creating a booklet which will be most helpful once our time together has ended and we can catch up a little tidbit or two from those we may not have connected with. So please submit this information with your check made payable to DULUTH EAST 1965 REUNION.  Send it to Ron & Robin Anderson, 1220 N 43 Ave E, Duluth MN 55804  (submit no later than August 15)
See you September 11 and 12  (also the 10th for early birds) AND.......visit our class website often:
Your reunion committee.

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