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Mark Levenson July 1,2018
I am absolutely heartbroken and sorrowful beyond words and belief to have to announce that my dad, the amazing, one-of-a-kind, funny, goofy, incredible Mark Levenson unexpectedly passed away this past Sunday.
This was completely unexpected and sudden, and is so terrible and hard to process I am just sick to my stomach.
He was the most concerned, dedicated, encouraging, amazing, supportive wonderful father I could ever even imagine having or existing in this universe.
He was ALWAYS there for me. Middle of the night talks. Calls from oversees. Late night trips across town to bring me things. Driving me home across town when I was sick. Surprise wonderful gifts. Helping me run lines for shows. Etc. Etc. Etc.
ALWAYS there for me. No matter what or when.
He was one of the funniest, goofiest, silliest, craziest human beings I was lucky enough to ever get to know and have in my life. Always full of kind words, perfect advice, support beyond belief, goofy dances, soothing words and tons of laughs. We’d laugh to tears.
I am incredibly lucky to have gotten to grow up with him and have him in my life and learn about the world under his influence, and I can’t even believe I have to use the word “was”.
He was in fantastic shape - biked like crazy, spent hours at the gym, ate healthy and consciously.
I hate the terrible, ugly beast called cancer with all my heart and soul.
I had no clue I was going to lose him this past Sunday. He should still be here.
I hate cancer. I want my dad back. He’s an amazing soul and incredible human being that the world should not have lost so soon.
(Marks daughter)
Posted By: Administrator - 07-04-2018
Views: 2834

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