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saranee seiler newman - 04-17-2012
Great website--thanks to all those who worked on the project. Hope to get to Duluth in September. I have moved to Sarasota, Florida, and my memories of Duluth winters are fading. Sure look forward to Fall in Duluth and to seeing the new East and many classmates. All the best--Saranee Bonnie Matheson - 02-12-2012
Thanks Gene! What a great idea. Love to stay connected with classmates!
Bonnie Gene Hill - 11-26-2011
Thanks so much for the kind words all. We now have an updated version of the IN REMEMBRANCE video. Put your mouse on the OFFSITE LINKS icon on the lower left and click on the IN REMEMBRANCE link to watch it, it is also viewable on youtube. Saundra (Sandy) Martin Kortesma - 11-22-2011
Gene, This is a wonderful site! Thank you so much for your time, effort, and funds. Much, much appreciated by all ! Phil Heimbach - 11-14-2011
Nice job Gene, see you and Shereen the week of December 5th, lets have dinner together. Don Olson - 11-06-2011
What a great idea and we appreciate the time devoted to put this together. Mary and I are looking forward to using it.
Don Gene Hill - 11-06-2011
As you look over the class yearbook, you may be wondering about the margin comments directed to 'Patti'. These postings were taken from the yearbook of Patti Grossman who died last year... Somehow her old yearbook made it onto the Ebay site where I bought it. You see, in order to get the best quality of picture scans I needed to cut the pages out and run them through my sheet scanner..I didnt want to do that to my own yearbook so I was thankful to be able to get another one. After all only so many exist and will never be printed again.. I left those comments on the pages to honor Patti and thank her for a life well lived.. John W. Jensen - 11-06-2011
Gene, thanks so much. Since live out of state have so little contact with y'all. Still at Auburn Univeristy in Alabama...40 years...retired but hired back as contractor...catfish industry, Brazil work and money raising for AU. I look forward to everyone's news. Thanks again, Gene. JJ Bruce Paddock - 11-06-2011
Greetings everyone. Just checked out class of 65 website.......great idea Gene, to keep people connected. Just sold business after 34 year career........looking forward to spending more time getting reconnectedd to life again Charles Tengquist - 11-05-2011
Hello Everyone. I will be looking forward to using this site. It's long overdue. Roger Burghdorf - 11-01-2011
Excellent site, thanks for setting up! Peg Heidman Johnson - 11-01-2011
Great website. Thank you for creating this. Look forward to using this site. gene hill - 10-23-2011
Howdy Howdy,
welcome to this playground kids.feel free to leave a comment to get the ball rolling.
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