Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965
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Duluth East Senior High School Class of 1965 - Polls
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How has your perspective on life changed since East?

Life has been better than I thought it would be
Life has been better than my wildest dreams
Life has brought me many challenges but I have dealt with them
Life has been more difficult and dissapointing than I ever expected
MY hopes and dreams have bit the dust, I just want the pain to stop

If I could go back to East, I would :

46% (17 votes)
Be less timid and insecure

24% (9 votes)
Be the same person I was then

19% (7 votes)
Thank my teachers for their investment in my life

8% (3 votes)
Apologise to someone for the way I treated them

3% (1 votes)
Beat up the jocks that used to be bigger than me

(Ends: Never)

I have gained the most from:

fortunate events beyond my control
difficulties I have endured
Others who loved me
Hard work and lots of effort on my part
I do not consider myself any better off than I was at East

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